Jhared Montferrat (1)
Basic info
First appearance: Star Wars Insider
Species: Human
Died: Battle over Endor
Relations: Imperial Officer, Devastator
Events: Battle over Endor
Known Facts (2)
Battle over Endor (2) »
Jhared Montferrat was a human male who served as an admiral in the naval forces of the Galactic Empire. Late in the Galactic Civil War, he commanded the Devastator, one of the most prestigious Imperial-class Star Destroyers in the Imperial fleet. That year, Montferrat participated in the Battle of Endor, during which the Empire intended to put an end to the Rebel Alliance that opposed it. During the battle, the Devastator faced multiple rebel fighter squadrons. It was destroyed under a concentrated attack of A-wings and B-wings that scored hits to the Star Destroyer's navigational shielding, causing a chain reaction of explosions. Montferrat died on the burning bridge of the Devastator.

Important note: The character first appeared in Star Wars Insider and the events that he participated are non-canon. In canon there is no clear definition of who commanded Devastator during the battle of Endor, that is why it can be assumed that Montferrat is canon charater, unless confirmed otherwise.


See also
Complete list
Admiral Montferrat (Unique)
Admiral Montferrat (Unique)
Imperial Officer

Last updated: 21.11.2021 19:54:42